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Dating violence and condom use self-efficacy: A study of school-going adolescents in Cape Town
use self-efficacy. This study examines the association between adolescent dating violence and condom use self-efficacy. The study is based on data from the SATZ study. For the purposes of this study, baseline data from Cape Town was utilized. The complex general linear model in SPSS was used to establish the relationship between dating violence and condom use selfefficacy. Of the 3747 participants, 33.3% have ever been
involved in dating violence. Boys were more likely to be perpetrators as well as victims of dating violence. Females are likely to have higher condom use selfefficacy. However they were more likely to have low
self-efficacy with regards to condom use skills. Analysis with complex general linear model shows that 8% of the variability in condom use self-efficacy could be predicted by dating violence, gender and socio-economic status. HIV prevention and reproductive health programs
that aim to increase condom use self-efficacy among adolescents in Cape Town must focus more on the prevention of dating violence itself, and the correct use of condoms.