is a truism that the importance and value of education in the early years of life have been acknowledged for more than 2000 years ago. Relatively, recent factors have brought early childhood education to the forefront of public awareness. Fundamental changes in the economy, family life, public awareness, and public support have had a profound effect on early childhood education. How we approach the education and care of young children depends, to a great extent, on what we believe children are like. Programmes for preschoolers are often structured around some underlying assumptions about the nature of children. Undoubtedly, the implementation of the early Childhood Education in Cross River State as stipulated in the National Policy on Education has been marred with certain implementation problems ranging from lack of infrastructural facilities, prohibitive cost and commercialization, lack of qualified staff, overcrowded classrooms, lack of supervision, neglect of mother tongue amongst others. This paper therefore, takes a cursory look at the critique of the implementation of Early Childhood Education in Cross River State and the way forward.