It aims to provide a platform for the research community to share their findings, insights and views about all aspects of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Erjssh) is an open access peer reviewed journal published twice a year (July/August and December/Janu- ary in both print and online versions to be accessed free of cost. The journal accepts the research papers from the diverse fields of social sciences and humanities reflecting the disciplines taught in the college such as population, sociology, anthropology, political sci- ence, history, geography, religion, media, environmental issues, art/theatre and culture. Papers can be submitted in the form of full-length original research, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, editorials - policies, news and letters to the editor.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://www.erjssh-uog.org/index.php/ERJSSH/about
Current Issue: Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-07-24