Published: 2023-12-07

Table of content

Yibeltal Siraneh

The Association between Intrahousehold Food Allocation Social Norms and Thinness among Young Adolescent Girls: A Community-Based Study

Hanna Gulema, Meaza Demissie, Alemayehu Worku, Tesfaye Assebe Yadeta, Nebiyou Fasil, Yemane Berhane

Effective and Economical Option of Anesthesia in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery

Turkan Sadi, Ozan Ekmekcioglu, Ebru Efe Ekmekcioglu, Hakan Ayvaz, Lokman Irkilata, Akkan Avci

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-7170
print ISSN: 1029-1857