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Non HLA genetic markers association with type-1 diabetes mellitus
ID+ and 9 had class ID, while all non-diabetic family members had class III alleles of INS. Therefore the three class I alleles were considered to be equally predisposing to T1D, while class III alleles are dominantly protective. There was significant positive correlations between body mass
index (BMI) and both HbA1C and AST liver enzyme among diabetic children with class IC+ but not other alleles; indicating that they need close monitoring of their diabetic control and liver functions beside following specific dietary regimens. It can be concluded that all class I alleles (IC+, ID+ and ID) are equally important susceptibility factors for T1D among Egyptian children, while class III alleles (IIIA and IIIB) are dominantly
protective. It is concluded also that our diabetic children with class IC+ are an especially endangered subgroup of diabetics. Genotyping for INS-VNTR alleles is recommended for diabetic children as an important step of diagnostic and follow up regimens and for their non-diabetic family
members for family counseling and early identification of potential diabetics. Further studies of INS-VNTR alleles and HLA haplotypes all over Egypt are recommended to define the Egyptian susceptibility loci for T1D and their relations to the clinical and laboratory findings as an important
national programs.