The EJMHG is a peer reviewed journal that publishes articles in English reporting original investigations in the field of human and medical Genetics.
The scope of the journal includes genetic basis of human disease such as clinical genetics and dysmorphology, cytogenetics, pharmacogenetics, cancer genetics, behavioral genetics, community genetics, screening of monogenic and polygenic disorders, fetal pathology, prenatal and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and genetic counseling as well as advances in prevention and treatment of genetic disorders.
The scope of the journal also includes biochemical genetics with an emphasis on biological studies of enzymes and other protein deficiencies and immunogenetics. In addition, the journal highlights fundamental investigations of the pathogenesis of inherited disorders and practical advances in the molecular diagnosis of human disease. Clinical application of genomics and next generation sequencing technologies are considered valuable contributions.
The journal is published by the Egyptian Society of Human Genetics, Medical Genetics Center, Ain Shams University. It will consider reviews, review articles, original articles, case reports, announcements, editorials, editorial comments, correspondence, issue highlights, surveys and product reviews.
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Covered in the abstract and citation database Scopus®. Full text available on ScienceDirect®.
Abstracts and journal information can be found at http://www.ejmhg.eg.net
Current Issue: Vol. 19 No. 4 (2018)
Published: 2019-01-14