The effects of rich sources of vitamin A and iron are paramount, but their utilization and application are unknown. This study therefore, is intended to assess knowledge and attitude of the community to curb down the existing traditional misconceptions and to promote integrated prevention of malnutrition. A cross sectional study was conducted between September and October 1998 in two districts of North Gondar to assess the level of knowledge on the occurrence of common deficiencies mainly linked with limited utilization and application of rich sources of vitamin A and iron. Data were collected from 400 subjects (280 females and 120 males). It is revealed that the overall level of knowledge of respondents with respect to the deficiencies of iron and the rich sources of vitamin A as cause for nutritional anaemia, night blandness, and complication of measles accounted for 44.1, 47.1% and 36.3%, respectively. Similarly, the level of attitude with regard to both deficiencies as causes for nutritional anaemia, night blindness and complication of measles accounted for 48.5%, 31.9% and 22.2%, respectively. Results differed significantly by age, educational status, household income, and occupation (P<0.05). In addition, the rates of negative responses were found to be very high for all variables. It is suggested that continuous education on health and nutrition directed to the rich sources of Vitamin A and iron, such as dark green leafy vegetables, be instituted to change the existing social behaviour of the community to step-up the prevention of malnutrition in Ethiopia. Further study in carefully mapped communities is also recommended.
(Ethiopian Journal of Health Development: 2000, 14(1): 23-30)