Although Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are a major public health problem, and a challenge to reproductive health, there is little epidemiological research on the incidence or prevalence of these diseases in Ethiopia. A community-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in Adami-Tullu Woreda during December 1994 to January 1995, to assess the magnidude and distribution of STI syndromes, and to identify some socio-demographic determinants of the occurrence of these diseases. A total of 2240 individuals aged 12-49 years were enrolled in to the study through a cluster sampling method. Estimation of the magnitude of STI syndromes was made with and without including vaginal discharge and/or pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID). Likewise, the two-week prevalence of reported STI syndromes (urethral discharge in males and genital ulcers in both sexes) was 2.5%, while the other estimate of magnitdude of STI syndromes (urethral discharge in males, genital ulcers in both sexes, vaginal discharge in female, fever and lower abdominal pain in female) was at 3.3%. More males and rural residents reported STI syndromes OR = 7.55, 95% CI (1.50,37.0). Considering possibilities of missing asymptomatic infection, this community-level prevalence (2.5% - 3.3%) may be regarded high. Expansion of STI preventive services is recommended particularly to the rural communities. Appropriate health care-seeking behaviors, and information education and communication (IEC) activities should be promoted.
(Ethiopian Journal of Health Development: 2000, 14(1): 7-12)