A cross-sectional study to assess the knowledge, practice, and impact of family planning among pregnant women attending ante-natal care services at Woreda 23 Health Center in Addis Ababa was conducted. To collect data from the study subjects, a structured questionnaire was developed and administered to 369 pregnant women who were selected systematically during December 1998 and July 1999. Results of the study indicated a very high degree of knowledge of contraception among respondents. Among eleven contraceptive methods named, injectables ranked as second most frequently used following pills. The proportion of unintended pregnancies admitted among the interviewees was 30.1% (111). The likelihood of getting unintended pregnancies was observed to be higher among women who had been using contraceptive methods (OR=1.78 with 95% CI 1.13, 2.79) than those who had not. Of all unintended pregnancies, 39.6% (44) and 18.9% (21) were reported to have occurred in association with using contraceptive methods and in relation to poor quality of family planning services, respectively. This study has indicated the need for intervention to improve the quality of family planning services in the study area. Needed interventions may include distribution of learning materials on available methods, expansion of services through CBDs, training opportunities for health workers, and conducting studies to explore innovative approaches.
(Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 2000, 14(2): 207-214)