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Retrospective review of antiretroviral therapy program data in accredited private hospitals in Addis Ababa City Administration, Ethiopia

O Abdulwadud
K Admassu
A Endale
N Tesfaye
G Teshome
A Akalu
D Woldemichael


Background: Ethiopia is committed to improving access to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care and antiretroviral therapy (ART) service. In May 2005, some private hospitals in Addis Ababa City Administration received accreditation to provide ART services to eligible patients.
Objective: To examine and describe the achievements of the ART Program in accredited private hospitals.
Methods: Descriptive retrospective analyses of reported ART Program Data from accredited private hospitals, between May 2005 and 31st December 2009. The aggregate data was obtained from Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau and consisted of information about patients enrolled for care, those who started ART, and those presently are on ART.
Results: During the study period, 10,849 patients were enrolled for care, 9,442 who had just started ART and 5,608 already on it across the study private facilities. In general close to 75% of the total patients enrolled for  care at five facilities. Although the majority (87%) had started treatment in the past, only 59.4% were currently on treatment. Overall, the program retained 66.4% of the patients (n=6,270) and attrition was 32% (n=3,021).
Conclusions: Differences in patient enrollment for care, ART initiation and retention were observed across facilities. A significant number of patients discontinued treatment and their outcome status was unclear. A better monitoring and reporting of ART Program Data will improve program quality. An effective strategy is needed to enhance patient retention and tracing in the accredited private hospitals in Addis Ababa City Administration. [Ethiop J Health Dev. 2011;25(2):110-115]

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eISSN: 1021-6790