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Tapping local resources for HIV prevention among the Borana pastoral community
Objectives: The study aims to determine local opportunities and resources that could be mobilized to improve HIV and AIDS response among the Borana pastoral community.
Methods: In-depth interviews and FGDs were employed to collect relevant information. Topic guides were developed to guide information collection. A total of sixty-nine in-depth interviews and sixty eight FGDs with men and women members of the community were carried out. Data so collected were coded, categorized and summarized with an application of MAXQDA 10 qualitative data analysis software.
Key findings: In Borana, HIV prevention endeavors were found to be coordinated by the zonal health department. Health extension workers, local teachers and youth groups were important agents facilitating HIV awareness creation activities at community level. However, these facilitators were not recognized as credible sources of information in the community because of their age and status. This has contributed to weak reception of available information on HIV which contributed to limited level of awareness about mode of prevention, transmission and maintenance of ‘wrong’ local beliefs about HIV and AIDS. Gada leaders who are influential, and recognized source of relevant information at community level through their assistants (makala). Besides, Gada leaders organize and facilitate Gada General Assembly (Gumii Gaayo), every eight years to review major concerns in Borana and make major decisions. HIV prevention endeavors, however has failed to benefit from such local resources and opportunities,
Conclusion: Every community is believed to have its own resources to deal with local problems. If mobilized and employed such resources, could facilitate mitigation of problem. Responses to HIV and AIDS in Borana could benefit from available resources and opportunities if local health authorities pay proper attention to such resources.