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Assessment of pharmacists workforce in Ethiopia
Aim: To assess pharmacists work force in Ethiopia.
Method: A national facility based census of the pharmacist workforce was conducted in Ethiopia. Pharmacists’ job satisfaction was also assessed taking cross-section of pharmacists from six regions by applying stratified random sampling method. Self-administered questionnaire was employed for the quantitative data collection.
Results: The study revealed a pharmacist density of 2.38 per 100,000 population. Across different regions of the country, the density ranges from 0.66 to 29.88. Pharmacists’ satisfaction with their job appeared to be slightly above the average mean score, with overall mean job satisfaction score of 3.0(SD=1.11) in a scale of 1-5. Relation with fellow professionals was an item with the highest mean job satisfaction, while remuneration, ranked least by pharmacists. Hospital pharmacists and younger pharmacists were significantly less satisfied than pharmacists in the other categories.
Conclusion: This study has shown that Ethiopia suffers from shortage of pharmacists and maldistribution across regions was also evident. Moreover, job satisfaction of the pharmacists in the country was slightly higher than the average mean satisfaction score. Thus, government and other stakeholders should work together to devise mechanisms that could improve pharmacists’ job satisfaction, ease uneven distribution among regions and increase the future workforce.