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Genotype by Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis of Barley Grain Yield in South Ethiopia

Shegaw Derbew
 Firew Mekbib
Agdew Bekele
Berhane Lakew
Zewdie Bishaw


The objective of this study was to assess how GEI affected the grain yield of barley genotypes' and to utilize AMMI and GGE biplot analysis to understand this effect.   Field experiment was conducted with an objective to assess how GEI affected the grain yield of barley genotypes' and to utilize AMMI and GGE biplot analysis to understand this effect. This experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design with three replications at six locations during 2021 main cropping season. The analysis of variance demonstrated that genotypes differed significantly (P≤0.001) from one another for the studied traits. In the AMMI analysis of variance, it was revealed that the environment (E), genotype (G), and G×E interaction accounted for 60.42, 8.56, and 31.13% of the treatment sum of squares, respectively. Moreover, Bule offers the highest yield and stability simultaneously among the test environments.  The AMMI stability value and yield stability index recognized genotypes G3, G9, G7, and G11 as high yielding with stable performance across environments. In contrast, GGE biplot analysis revealed G3, G6, G5, and G9 as stable and high yielding genotypes throughout the environments. Based on the results of the GGE biplot and AMMI analysis, genotypes G3 and G9 were found to be stable and high yielding. Therefore, G9 is ideal for release, while G3 would be best suited for wider-scale cultivation and promotion.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-2382
print ISSN: 0257-2605