Published: 2022-08-28

Multidisciplinary thyroid disease management in The Gambia: Results of a 6-year multinational collaboration

Saffie Jammeh, Gareth Eeson, Buba Sanyang, Alieu D. Badjie, Matthew Eckfeldt, Catharine B. Eckfeldt, Deborah S. Brauer, Jon Just


Radiofrequency and laser ablation for chronic venous insufficiency: A single-centre, retrospective study at a multispeciality, private hospital in Nairobi, Kenya

C. Shango Irungu, Anthony Gikonyo, Macharia Matu, Hellen K. Nguchu, Angela Ongewe, Isaac Ademebsa, Shrikant Panchal, Premanand Ponoth


Craniometry of Nigerian skulls: A cadaveric study and review of the literature

Adeola A. Olusanya, Timothy O. Aladelusi, Foluso A. Atiba, Juwon T. Arotiba


Zinner syndrome detected as an incidental ultrasonographic finding in a 38-year-old Rwandan man

Emmanuel Kiniga, Toussaint Dusabe, Jean Jacques Nshizirungu, Florence Umurangwa, Emile Rwamasirabo


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2073-9990
print ISSN: 1024-297X