Published: 2022-03-21

Surgical key performance indicators in Ethiopia’s national health information system: Answering the call for global surgery data

Katherine R. Iverson, Laura Drown, Sehrish Bari, Miseker Abate, Daniel Burssa, Kaya Garringer, Samson Workineh Esseye, Olivia Ahearn, Joseph Incorvia, Ephrem Daniel Sheferaw, Isabelle Citron, Rediet Shimeles Workneh, Swagoto Mukhopadhyay, John G. Meara, Andualem Beyene, Abebe Bekele


Analysis and recommendations based on evaluation data from AO Alliance educational events in sub- Saharan Africa and Asia

Emma Bonhomme, Wilfred Addo, Florent A. Lekina, Ramesh P. Singh, William J. Harrison, Claude Martin Jr


Urethral catheterization–associated urethral strictures in men at a tertiary hospital in Kigali, Rwanda: A cross-sectional study

Innocent Nzeyimana, Yves C. Bizumuremyi, Alexandre Nyirimodoka, Jennifer Rickard, Alex Bonane


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2073-9990
print ISSN: 1024-297X