Published: 2017-07-19

Strengthening surgical and anaesthetic services at district level in the African region: issues, challenges and proposed actions

J.B. Ndihokubwayo, S.O. Coulibaly, M.N. Cherian, M.M. Ekeke, J Nabyonga, L Musango, T Nkurunziza, C King, I Premaratne, W.D. Johnson


Evaluation of an accelerated Ponseti protocol for the treatment of talipesequinovarus in Nigeria

G.H. Ibraheem, O.O. Adegbehingbe, O.M. Babalola, S.B. Agaja, B.A. Ahmed, A Olawepo, M Medubi


Pattern and management of priapism in a tertiary hospital of North-Western Nigeria

A.S. Muhammad, N.P. Agwu, A Abdulwahab-Ahmed, S.B. Abubakar, A.U. Musa, I.A. Mungadi


Management of undescended testes: a retrospective study from a tertiary hospital in Ethiopia

M Gama, A Tadesse, B Dejene, H Getachew, T Nigussie, M Derbew


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2073-9990
print ISSN: 1024-297X