Published: 2020-07-27

Antimicrobial activity of aloe Secundiflora against clinical isolates of Helicobacter pylori

S. Njoroge, C. Mwangi, K. Nyerere, F. Odhiambo, J. Tirimba, G. Revathi


Medication use and lung function among asthmatics seen in an outpatient chest clinic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -A needs assessment

T.H. Gebremariam, D.K. Huluka, A.B. Binegdie, M. Getachew, M. O’Donnell, N.W. Schluger, C.B. Sherman


Leptomeningeal dissemination of Pilocytic astrocytoma of Conus medullaris in a 16-year-old male

I. Ahalli, L. Amaadour, Y. Dkhissi, K. Messoudi, R. Boujarnija, A.L. Mimi, K. Oualla, Z. Benbrahim, S. Arifi, M. Boubbou, N. Mellas


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X