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Unifying Perspectives: Gestalt and Piagetian Learning Theories in the 21st Century Classroom

Curtis Foster
Nicole Mauzard


This paper explored the integration of Gestalt and Piagetian learning theories within the 21st-century classroom, emphasizing their complementary roles in promoting cognitive, social and emotional development. Through a qualitative review of existing educational frameworks, the paper demonstrates how these theories can be applied to create inclusive and engaging learning environments. Gestalt theory, focusing on perception and wholistic understanding, complements Piaget’s emphasis on active engagement and developmental stages. By synthesizing these two approaches, educators can design curricula that promote critical thinking, problem-solving and meaningful learning experiences. The paper further discusses the role of technology in enhancing learning outcomes and offers recommendations for implementing these theories effectively in modern classrooms.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-2132
print ISSN: 2714-2183