Every manuscript must strictly follow APA guidelines. Use Time New Romans Font style and size of 12. This includes citation and referencing sections. The manuscript should be single spaced with up to 15 pages including references with not more than 8,500 words under the following order:

  1. Title of the manuscript.
  2. Name of author(s) with their qualifications (First name, Middle Name and then Sir Name, Position (For Example, Prof. Michael Kuboja, PhD., DVC Academics, University of Arusha, Tanzania).
  3. Orcid Link for each author. It can be obtained through a free registration from the following link: (For example,
  1. Department (For example, Department of Curriculum and Teaching
  2. Institutional affiliation (For example, University of Malawi).
  3. Email Address for each author and telephone number for the corresponding author.
  4. Abstract of not more than 250 words: This section should begin with a general statement explaining the purpose of the study, locality, methodology, population and sampling, instruments used for data analysis, validity and reliability, ethical considerations, key findings and recommendations.
  5. Keywords: Between four and six which will help readers to search the material.
  6. Introduction: The author is expected to give a strong background of the study with preliminary literature review from global to local perspective. Study gap and justification of the study must be indicated.
  7. Related Literature and Studies from global to local perspective.
  8. Methodology: This section should include research design/ approach, population and sampling techniques, instruments used, validity and reliability and statistical treatment of data.
  9. Results and Discussion: This section must address research questions that guided the study. Results should be supported by tables in APA format (See Appendix A).
  10. Conclusions and Recommendations: Each research question must have its respective conclusion and recommendation.
  11. References: This section must follow APA Guideline (See Appendix B and C).


A. SAMPLE OF TABLES IN APA FORMAT: Tables should be drawn from automatic insertion in Microsoft word and then lines within the table should be deleted as appears in Table 1:

Table 1: Differences in Students’ Disciplinary Cases as Perceived by Teachers


Disciplinary Case

         Schools’ Mean Scores       Teaching CRE       Not Teaching CRE


Sig. (2-tailed)


Disciplinary Cases in General

         2.36                       3.12



Premarital Relations

         2.16                       2.88



Dodging from Obligatory tasks

         2.33                       2.88



Sabotage experiences

         2.04                       2.42



Students Suspension

         1.97                       2.42



Pregnancy Cases

         1.64                       2.30



Drug Abuse Experiences

         1.58                       2.00




         2.02                       2.44


*Difference is significant


  • Authors should ensure that all factual/ borrowed ideas from other authors are properly cited and referenced. Every citation must appear in reference list and each reference must be cited in the manuscript.
  • Plagiarism cannot be entertained and may lead to rejection of the manuscript. (The journal uses Plagiarism Checker X to check level of Plagiarism)
  • As a guide, a returned percentage of below 15% would probably indicate that plagiarism has not occurred. However, if the 15% of matching text is one continuous block, this could still be considered plagiarism. A high percentage would probably be anything over 25% (Yellow, orange or red).
  • A variety of approaches should be used. For example;
  1. According to Ndiku, Ngussa and Mbuti (2018), research and innovation are key factors for sustainable development.
  2. Ndiku, Ngussa and Mbuti (2018) argue/ maintain, postulate/ recommend that research and innovation are key factors for sustainable development.
  3. Research and innovation are key factors for sustainable development (Ndiku, Ngussa and Mbuti, 2018).

How to cite

  • Citation should strictly use the surname(s) of author(s). Do not insert middle or first name in citations.
  • For one author, insert the author's last name and the date of publication into the text.
  • When there are two authors, always cite both last names.
  • When there are three to five authors, cite all the last names in the first citation and in the following citations, use only the first name and "et al." (which is Latin for "and others"). NOTE: that "et" is not followed by a period, but "al" is.
  • When there are six or more authors, cite only the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” for the first and subsequent citations. Exception: If two or more references have the same first author and year of publication, then include as many subsequent author’s last names as necessary to clearly identify the source, followed by a comma, “et al.” and the year of publication.
  • Groups as authors: The full name of a group that serve as an author such as corporations, associations, and government agencies is written out unless the abbreviation is well known.



Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. (3rded.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


Emayakre, N. N. (2021).Using transitivity Analysis to Reveal the Nature of Characters in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences 2(4), 146-150. Doi:


Aroni, M. A. (2003). Perceptions on social education and ethics and Christian religious      studies in         Kenya: A study of secondary schools in Kiambaa Division. Master of        Education        Unpublished             Thesis, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-2132
print ISSN: 2714-2183
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