DENTISCOPE is the official journal of the Dental Students of the University of Ibadan since its inception in 1985.

DENTISCOPE is a peer reviewed journal of Dental Students of the University of Ibadan, under the auspice of the DENTISCOPE Editorial Board, which is an autonomous organization. DENTISCOPE serves as an audience that crosses Dental, Medical specialties and provide a medium for dissemination of information about Dentistry and Medicine in Nigeria, Africa and beyond the continent.

Our Vision is to become the leading student editorial board and resource for oral health and dental practices, empowering professionals and patients with the knowledge.

Our mission is to provide evidence-based, user-friendly and innovative content that supports and informs dentists, researchers and the general public in advancing oral health research.

You can view this journal's website here.

Published: 2025-03-17

The tumours of the sinuses

F.A. Oladejo, A. Ijoma-Abara, A. Daniel


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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2488-8915
print ISSN: 1119-8915