The future of CME - Changes in 2014
Effective from January 2014, CME will be incorporated into a 'new-look' South African Medical Journal (available at samj.org.za). A review article willintroduce readers to the educational subject matter, along with one-page summarises (in print) of additional articles that may be accessed in full online. We will continue to offer topical and up-to-date CME material. Readers are encouraged to register with samj.org.za to receive future notifications of new CME material. Kindly contact publishing@hmpg.co.za should you require assistance.
CME is a medical Continuing Professional Development journal, written by South African experts for South African doctors.
Other websites related to this journal: http://www.cmej.org.za/index.php/cmej/index
Current Issue: Vol. 31 No. 11 (2013)
Published: 2014-01-15