That humankind overcomes the terrible threats of boredom, meaninglessness and dehumanizing state of contemporary world is the result of the scientific and technological advancement, this paper considers humanistic model in adult education as liberal education appropriate for adult age. Using the humanistic model, we discussed an adult education that is a deliberate and systematically planned educational activity targeted at and designed around the interest and self-expressed concern of, the adult for solving his immediate problems with educational activity that is part-time. We proposed an integrated education for an integrated humanism in this age of science and technology. An integrated humanism education liberates humans for self-awareness which is the sum of consciousness with intelligent active nature, free-will with the drive towards self-actualization, social dimension, self-maintenance and self-enhancement. This education sets humans apart from other animals and must bring to an end the cleavage between work or useful activity and the blossoming of spiritual life and disinterested joy in knowledge and beauty, which is to perceive the genuinely democratic character of education in an age of science and technology. The paper did recognize the challenges of the 21st century developing nations in terms of infrastructures and educational management.