AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ORAL HEALTH is a biannual publication aimed at disseminating knowledge that will enhance the practice of oral health, particularly in Africa.
The Journal will publish articles which contribute significantly to oral health research and practice on the African continent. Contributions would be welcomed from all parts of the world. It will publish:
a) Original research reports not previously published (except in the form of an abstract or preliminary report) and only when they are not being considered for publication elsewhere.
b) Letters relating to materials previously published in AJOH or to topical issues relevant to the practice of dentistry.
c) Update articles surveying the present state of knowledge in selected fields of Dentistry and oral health.
d) Critical or analytical reviews in the area of theory, policy, or research in Dentistry.
e) Reviews of recently published books or group of books which would be of relevance to the improvement of oral health in Africa.
f) Short reports of scientific meetings, news items, activities and functions of the IADR and other dental associations.
Other websites related to this journal: http://ajoh.oauife.edu.ng/index.php/ajoh/index
Current Issue: Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019)
Published: 2020-10-09