Published: 2021-06-21

Phenotypic and molecular evaluation of maize (Zea may L.) genotypes under field conditions in the Volta region of Ghana

E. Asare-Bediako , K.J. Taah , G.C. van der Puije , G. Amenorpe , A. Appiah Kubi , J. Nee Lamptey, A. Oppong , B. Mochiah , I. Adama


Impact of tempeh flour supplementation on the properties of non-gluten pasta product

E. Sholichah , N. Indrianti , L.E. Yulianti , A. Sarifudin , W. Kiatponglarp


A rapid response vaccine development strategy for Newcastle disease in poultry

S.R. Maremagae , C.C. Bezuidenhout , A.M. Murphy , M.A. Jarvis , P. Naicker , P.J. Lebea


Proximate qualities and lycopene contents of three watermelon (citrullus lanatus) fruit varieties grown with climate-smart integrated fertilizer management in sandy loam soil

C.C. Ali , T.E. Ejiofor , F.O. Ifeanyieze , A.O. Okadi , C.M. Eze , G.E. Eze , F.C. Onah , T.C. Nwakile, C.U. Ugwuoke , R.N. Mgbenka , O. Onah , C.U. Nwachukwu , F.N. Ezebuiro , B.A. Omeje , L.U. Ekenta , E.K. Ogbonna


The ethnobotanical perspective of indigenous herbs and spices of Tabaru ethnic group in Halmahera Island, Indonesia

Fatchur Rohman, Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar, M. Nasir Tamalene, Wawan S. Nadra, Wira Eka Putra


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5374
print ISSN: 1684-5358