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Effect of combined germination, dehulling and boiling on mineral, sucrose, stachyose, fibrulose, and phytic acid content of different chickpea cultivars
(2) dehulled followed by soaking and boiling before drying; (3) boiled without dehulling before drying; and germinated, boiled followed by drying and dehulling. The effects of the processing on mineral, sugar, dietary fibre content were evaluated. Desiwere found to have lower seed weight, hydration capacity and swelling capacity compared to kabuli. Seed density, hydration index and swelling index did not vary with cultivar. The mineral density, stachyose, fibrulose, and hull content increased significantly (p<0.05) with the decrease of seed weight whereas phytic acid content
did not vary. All processes resulted in an increase in calcium, phosphorous, zinc, and phytic acid and a decrease in potassium, iron, magnesium, sucrose, stachyose and fibrulose content regardless of cultivar type. Germination for 72 hrs followed by boiling, drying and dehulling resulted in highest reduction in antinutritional factors with minimal nutrient loss.It is feasible to use chickpeas as an excellent source of infant follow-on formula/weaning food with minimal mineral fortification and use of
low phytic acid cultivars.