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Comparative analysis of the proximate compositions of Tarpon atlanticus and Clarias gariepinus from culture systems in South -Western Nigeria
sizes of the two species of fish which are the juvenile, young adult and adult forms. The total length and weight of juvenile ranged from 24.5 - 26.5cm, 178.3 - 180g and 25.2 - 27.4cm, 177.6 -179.5g for T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus, respectively. For the young adult, the total length and weight ranged from 27.0 - 28.5cm, 212.0 - 220.1g and 26.9 - 29.4cm, 214.2 - 221.3g for T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus, respectively. For the adults, the total length and weight ranged from 40.20 - 42.10cm, 783 - 800g and 39.9 - 44.5cm, 785 - 805g for T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus, respectively. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant difference (P<0.05) between the moisture content of T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus in the adult head although there was a significant difference (P<0.01) between the ash of T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus in the adult tail. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) between the protein of T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus in the young adult tail but there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the fibre of T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus in
the juvenile tail. There was a significant difference (p<0.01) between the fat and oil of T. atlanticus and C. gariepinus. Ash content was highest in the adult head of T.atlanticus and lowest in the adult tail of C. gariepinus. Protein was at its highest in the young adult tail of C. gariepinus and lowest in the juvenile head of T. atlanticus. The low concentration of lipids in the muscles of these species could be due to poor storage mechanisms and the use of fat reserves during spawning activities. Generally the two species contain high protein content as found out in this study. The high tissue protein content may have resulted from high protein content of their diets. Thus, both fish species constitute a high source of protein and low fatty acids, as well as an ideal dietetic fish food for human consumption.