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Quality of physalis (Physalis pubescenss L.) juice packaged in glass bottles and flexible laminated packs during storage at 5°c.
were studied. Carotenoids, polyphenolic substances and ascorbic acid contents were gradually reduced throughout cold storage, where this reduction was more pronounced in juice packaged in flexible laminated packs. A slight increase in total acidity was observed with cold storage prolongation, especially in juice packaged in flexible laminated packs. Significant differences in color were found between the same juice packaged either in glass bottles or in flexible laminated packs, where the
juice color was darker in flexible laminated packs. It could be noticed that, there was no migration of Na ions from glass bottles to processed juice formulas during the cold storage period. In flexible laminated packs, a slight increase of Al ions throughout the cold storage period but not exceeding the safety limit of Al daily intake (3.5mg/day). It was concluded that Physalis juice packaged in glass bottles had higher storage
stability than that packaged in flexible laminated packs.