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Proximate composition and the functional properties of defatted seed and protein isolates of kargo (Piliostigma reticulatum) seed
(27.9%) and, therefore, could be classified as an oil seed. The crude protein for the defatted sample is significantly (p<0.05) higher than the protein value recorded for the undefatted (303g/kg). At room temperature the lipid extract was a liquid. The lipid is a clear golden yellow colour with low acid value (0.5%), but high saponification value of 205.1 mg KOH/g and iodine value of 103.9. The elemental analysis carried out on both the undefatted and the defatted seed shows that, the seed is a good source of
potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The defatted flour samples recorded a higher values for all the mineral elements determined except for the manganese which though very minute in quantity was observed to be doubled in the undefatted sample. The value recorded for both potassium and magnesium are significantly higher (p≤0.05) in the defatted sample than in the undefatted sample. Both the defatted flour and protein isolate show good foaming, emulsion and water binding
properties. The defatted sample has a low water and oil binding capacity (1.84 and 0.41%, respectively) compared to the values recorded for the protein isolates (2.77 and 0.94% respectively). There is a significant difference (p≤0.05) in the values obtained for the foaming stability of the defatted flour sample (3.92%) and the protein isolate (0.01%). This indicates that Kargo seed protein isolate with estimated protein content of 86.0% and good functional properties has a potential for dietary
improvement in the food industries.