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Pre-primary Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Patterns and Measurement: A Review of literature

Venuste Hakizumuremyi
Jean Francois Maniraho


Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) increases their capability to select and teach effectively appropriate content that fit the needs of learners while they are learning. This paper presents an exploration of teachers PCK for teaching patterns and measurement in the pre-primary years of schooling – (i.e., nursery through kindergarten). Shulman has demonstrated that use of PCK in teaching leads to increases in learning outcomes of learners. The aim of this study is to explore the PCK required of mathematics teachers in teaching patterns and measurement. Learners are facing difficulties in their conceptual understanding of patterns and measurement due to teacher ignorance and lack of PCK in teaching in these areas. Evidence provided in this paper is basically based on the past literature on integration of PCK in teaching. Without PCK, teachers may face difficulties in teaching of patterns and measurement effectively. Some recommendations that can be used for effective implementation of PCK in teaching and learning science especially for Mathematics are also outlined.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2508-1128
print ISSN: 0855-501X