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Information for Development: Unveiling the Views of Ghanaians on Community Information Centers as Mass Communication Tools

Rhoda Akueteh
Daniel Odoom
Kwaku Baah-Acheamfour
Eric Opoku Mensah


Access to meaningful information is essential for achieving sustainable development. This research explored the views of Ghanaians on Community Information Centers (CICs) as critical mass communication tools for development, using La-Nkwantanang Madina Municipality, Greater Accra Region as a case. Anchored on the Uses and Gratification and Diffusion of Innovation theories, this sequential-explanatory mixed-method study solicited views from inhabitants, operators of CICs and other stakeholders in the Municipality who constituted the target population. Quota, convenience and purposive sampling techniques were used to select 153 participants with questionnaires, interview schedule and interview guide as research instruments. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively whilst content analysis was conducted for the qualitative data. The study found that CICs were critical information tools for facilitating development in the Municipality since respondents mostly relied on them for information about community events, government announcements, health, education and religious programs. Information the Centers provided was perceived as generally relevant, reliable, clear, timely, and responsive to the needs of the community members. Respondents were generally satisfied with the kind of information CICs in the Municipality provided to them. However, inadequate funding, language barrier, high operational cost, low community support, low technology, and increased competition from mainstream media were challenges hindering the operations of the Centers. The study concluded that despite the challenges CICs face in the Municipality, they are vital mass communication tools for facilitating meaningful development. Operators of CICs in the Municipality should find innovative ways of mobilizing resources to promote their activities including collaboration with corporate bodies.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2709-2607