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Effect of project team management practices on project performance: a case of the national union of disabilities’ organizations of Rwanda project implemented in Rubavu district, Rwanda by university of Rwanda - college of agriculture, animal sciences and

Jean Paul Musafiri
Jean de Dieu Dushimimana


The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of team acquisition, training & development and motivation on project performance, encompassing scope management, cost control, timeliness, quality of deliverables, and stakeholder satisfaction. Effective management of project teams is pivotal in determining project success. This research endeavors to examine the correlation between project team management practices and project performance within the framework of the National Union of Disabilities’ Organizations of Rwanda (NUDOR) project implemented by University of Rwanda - College of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UR-CAVM) in Rubavu District from 2020 to 2022. By employing a mixed-methods approach, the research incorporated quantitative data derived from questionnaires and qualitative. The anticipated findings seek to illuminate the efficacy of team acquisition processes, underscore the importance of team training and development in enhancing project performance, and elucidate the role of team motivation in attaining project objectives. Furthermore, the research aims to uncover how these team management practices influence effective project scope management, strategies for cost control, adherence to project timelines, delivery quality, and stakeholder satisfaction. Strong positive correlations are observed between various team management factors and project performance. Specifically, the findings reveal that team acquisition, team training and development, and team motivation exhibit significant coefficients of β1: 0.302 (p: 0.000), β2: 0.123 (p: 0.046), and β3: 0.546 (p: 0.000) respectively. All these coefficients are statistically significant, as indicated by their associated Sig. values below 0.05. NUDOR project team should keep enhancing recruitment and selection process, invest in training and development, foster motivation strategies and conduct regular performance evaluation to ensure that individuals with the right skills, experience, and cultural fit are brought on board and their performance sustained.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2709-2607