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Influence of supplier responsiveness on procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa county, Kenya

Darius Chola Maganga
Dr. Samson Kitheka
Dr. Jackson Ndolo


The purpose of this study was to establish how supplier responsiveness influences procurement performance within Mombasa County. The study adopted descriptive research study design. The research was grounded on the Kaizen Theory. The target population comprised of 308 procurement staff members, including both managerial and non-managerial roles, across parastatals in Mombasa County. A sample size of 174 was determined using the Yamane method and respondent were selected using Stratified random sampling technique to ensure equitable representation and eliminate bias. Data analysis was conducted utilizing the statistical software SPSS version 28. Regression analysis was used to ascertain the predictive relationship between dependent and independent variables, with results being presented in tabular form alongside percentages. The findings showed that there was a strong positive correlation between supplier responsiveness and procurement performance(B1=0.307, t=2.354 & p=0.022<0.05), highlighting the critical role of suppliers' ability to swiftly adapt to changing environments and efficiently address challenges in determining overall procurement outcomes. The small standard deviation among participants underscores the consensus on the importance of supplier responsiveness in expediting the procurement process. Notably, the research indicates a significant boost in procurement performance with each unit increase in supplier responsiveness, emphasizing the pivotal role of supplier sensitivity in enhancing procurement success within Mombasa County's state corporations. The study recommends that managers of parastatals should prioritize fostering strong and collaborative relationships with suppliers to enhance responsiveness. Additionally, adoption of electronic procurement solutions can expedite the procurement process and enable quicker responses to market changes.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2709-2607