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Measuring the effects of class scheduling on student success in secodary school chemistry using content-based versus logical thinking-based online commercial programs
mostly relying on anecdotal data to support decisions. Schools entering the 21st century often turned to the use of technology as a method to ensure student achievement. This study evaluated the effectiveness of two commercially available online programs. An online chemistry contentdrill
program, Study IslandÓ, and a Web-based program aiming to improve logical-thinking skills, Lumosity., were considered in this research. These Information and Communication Technology (ICT) programs were evaluated based on pre- and post-test scores of 74 pre- Advance Placement (pre-AP) chemistry students on the American Chemical Society's California Chemistry Diagnostic Exam (CA Dx). Also, reported are the results of the effect of class scheduling versus student achievement on the CA Dx exam after experiencing these braintraining programs. [AJCE 4(3), Special Issue, May 2014]