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Effect of oil palm sludge on cowpea nodulation and weed control in the humid forest zone of Nigeria
(8000 l/ha) of oil palm sludge application during wet season. This development could be attributed to low wet ability and anaerobic condition created before decomposition by Oil palm sludge which had
higher concentration on the top soil with the majority of the cowpea roots in this highly concentrated zone. On nodulation, results indicated that increase in oil palm sludge favored more number of functional root nodules during both seasons and in all the cultivars and reverse being the case with the non-functional nodules. Weed count was higher (35) in the control plots and lowest in the 8000 l/ha plots (2.0). Similarly, the highest weed weight (670 g/ha) was obtained in control plots while the lowest (170 g/ha) was recorded in 8000 L/ha. On the cultivars tested oil palm sludge at 8000 l/ha favoured more root nodules development and hence more yield with excellent weed control ability.