Published: 2022-01-12

Development and determination of larval stages of fall armyworm on some staple crops

O.O. Odeyemi, O.T. Alamu, G.A. Yekinni , Q.O. Oloyede-Kamiyo

445 - 457

Endophytic fungi associated with four endemic wild coffee species (Mascarocoffea) in Madagascar

A.J. Zananirina, B.M. Iacomi, D.A.D. Rakoto-Ranoromalala, I. Ratsizafy, A.T.E. Razakatiana, M.D. Andrianandrasana, R.H. Baohanta, N. Rakotoarimanga, H. Randriambanona, H. Ramanankierana

459 -470

Prevalence of plant-parasitic nematodes in rice fields in Ghana

S.T. Nyaku, H. Lutuf, J.O. Honger, A. Dede, F.C. Brentu, R. Benissan, S. Osabutey, V. Larbi, E. Koranteng, C. Afun, M. Okyere, F.K. Ablormeti

471 - 482

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-6589
print ISSN: 1021-9730