The University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal (UDSMLJ) is an  interdisciplinary academic journal that publishes scholarly articles on all aspects of Library, information Science and and related fields of study. These include organization of knowledge, information dissemination , information and knowledge management, Information Technology and its application, Management in  Libraries, Communication, Human Information Behavior, Records and Archives Management, Information Literacy, Information Retrieval, Reference Services and Information Systems. The journal is published twice a year in June and December.The key purpose of the journal is to serve as a catalyst of a dialogue between LIS practitioners and professionals from other fields of study with the aim of smoothening the integration of information into all walks of life. This commitment rests on the understanding that the availability and accessibility of research outputs to readers is a paramount development requirement.

The journal is published twice per year, that is June and December.

Authors are in invited to submit their articles to be considered for publication. See information for authors for details.

This journal can also be accessed at the following link

Published: 2024-02-01

Applying ADDIE Model to Develop Multimedia Lessons for Adolescent Reproductive Health Education in Uganda

Joseph Kizito Bada, Milburga Atcero, Brendah Amah Dopia, Maureen Ayikoru, Elizabeth Asianzu, Bonface Abima

Emerging Technology Services Provided by Nigerian Library and Information Science Professionals

Siddiqah Olatope Oyedokun, Adebambo A. Oduwole, Abiodun O. Odunewu, Sowemimo Ronke Adekunmisi
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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2953-2515
print ISSN: 0856-1818