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Modelling the environmental impacts of noise and dust from quarry stone mining in Harare – A case study of Pomona Quarry

D. Zimwara
E. Maphosa
W.M. Goriwondo
S.T. Nyadongo


Granite quarry mining has contributed significantly to infrastructure development of many nations and Zimbabwe is no exception. However it has also contributed to environmental pollution and other socio ecological ills. This study investigated the environmental impacts of quarry stone mining and processing at Pomona Quarry mine in Harare. Ambient noise and dust concentrations were measured at different distances and directions from the source. The correlation between the distance and noise level as well as dust concentration were carried out to determine a safety zone from the quarry mine. Multiple regression analysis of the data was conducted and a model developed for the prediction of noise and dust levels.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2409-0360
print ISSN: 1810-0341