Preschool children constitute 11.5% of total population in Egypt. They are exposed to injuries and accidents due to curiosity, lack of experience and increased mobility. Day care institutions for preschoolers increased nowadays to help working mothers for caring for their children. The nursery school teacher has crucial role in caring for children, supervision and prevention of health hazards. They should be well trained on first aid and emergency control to save children lives. Aim of study: to develop, implement and evaluate an educational training program for newly graduate nursery school teachers about first aid of some emergency situations occurring to preschooler. Subjects & methods: An intervention study, the participants were 60 newly graduate nursery teachers from Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University at 2008. Data were collected using questionnaire to test teacher's knowledge concerning first aid. This forms the 1st part of the study. The 2nd part included a health education program which was designed to meet participant's needs. It was performed by researchers on 20 sessions, 30-45 minutes per session, the participants were divided into small groups in practical sessions. The 3rd part was an evaluation of the program. It was done by statistical analysis for pre and post results of participant knowledge questionnaires. An observation check list was used to assess their practice towards 1st aid for wounds, fractures, epilepsy, fainting, epistaxis, suffocation and burns. Results: the participated group of teachers were females,20 ± 2 years old, mostly from rural area, they already taught knowledge concerning growth and development of children, first aid measures in the 3rd academic year in the faculty but non of them practice these topics. There was high significant improvement of knowledge and practice of the studied group in the post test in comparison to pre test. Knowledge and practice increased, on the average, from 0-10% to 80- 95% in first aid of wound, fractures, epileptic convulsions, fainting, epistaxis, suffocation and burn. Conclusion: the designed health education and training program led to significant improvement of knowledge and practice of nursery school teachers in first aid and dealing with emergency situations occurring to preschoolers. Recommendation: Adding practical course for first aid and emergency for the undergraduate curriculum in Faculty of Specific Education. Refreshing educational training courses for all nursery school teachers.
Key words: preschool health care, intervention program, emergency situations