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The Contemporary Strategies of Curbing Indiscipline in Public Schools in Zimbabwe
Globally, indiscipline is a ubiquitous topical threat to learning in educational institutions and peaceful existence in society in general. The contemporary behaviours exhibited by young learners both in the community and at school are so complex and shocking. Communities are enlightened through education and the young learners are the passport and insurance of success. The behaviour of youth in the community determines social development since the youth constitutes the greater population in most countries. Discipline is the fulcrum of education at all learning institutions and in any society. In this study, the causes of indiscipline among young learners are traced from interconnected environmental systems which are the microsystem, the meso-system, the exo-system, and the macro system. This study was conducted in Mbare and Highfields high density suburbs of Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe. The main objective of this study was to find the causes and alternative strategies of curbing indiscipline in learners at school and in the community. The study found that indiscipline is mainly caused by drugs and substance abuse, peer pressure, teacher-pupil relationship, parenting style, influence of social media, economic challenges and human rights. The strategies of curbing indiscipline are determined by its causation. The bio-ecological theory was used to anchor the study and descriptive research design was used in this study to describe forms of indiscipline. Some of the strategies found in this research include ensuring the use of integrated social structure, providing accessible comprehensive counselling, and using behavioural gateway, sanctioning all indiscipline behaviours, rewarding positive behaviours and offering education.