Format of Presentation

  • Submissions must be in English.
  • Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word using 12-point Times New Roman and double spaced.
  • The cover page of the manuscript should have the title, authors’ names, addresses and affiliations; plus email address, telephone number of the corresponding author.
  • The next page should begin with title followed by abstract.
  • The manuscript title should be brief and informative.
  • All pages must be numbered consecutively.
  • All articles should be preceded by an abstract of between 150 and 200 words.
  • The abstract must give concise statement of intention, methodology, results, conclusion and a statement on recommendations.
  • A maximum of six key words should accompany the abstract.
  • The length of articles should be a maximum of 6000 words including tables, figures and references.
  • Tables and figures should be embedded in the text.
  • Evidence of compliance with ethical issues is required. Authors should therefore attach ethical clearance certificates.
  • The text of the article should normally include the following: Introduction; Methodology; Results; Discussion; Conclusion and (Recommendations or) Implications and Further Research.
  • Prospective authors should ensure that their manuscripts are edited and proofread before submission.
  • Referencing should adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) Latest Edition guidelines.

Peer Review Process

ZJHS believes in unbiased, independent, critical assessment is an intrinsic part of all scholarly work, including the scientific process. Peer review is the critical assessment of manuscripts submitted to journals by experts who are not part of the editorial staff.

  • All submitted articles will be subject to double blindfold review.
  • Editorials and solicited review articles are internally reviewed by an expert in the field.
  • Articles are initially screened by the editor for suitability and adherence to outlined guidelines about the format. Accepted articles are then peer reviewed by  independent experts
  • Articles are peer reviewed by the independent peer reviewers  in their areas of expertise
  • Final decision about the acceptance and refusal of the article for the publication will be taken by the editor.
  • No person will be involved in the peer review process of an article in which they have a direct or indirect conflict of interest.

Specific Article Types

  • Research Articles: The article should be no more than 6000 words in (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) format and should include a structured abstract of 200–300 words (headings to include aims, method, results and conclusions)
  • Review Articles: Review articles should typically be around 2500-3500 words (excluding text in boxes, figures and the references) and provide a clear, up to date account of the topic, preferably aimed at non-specialist hospital doctors, family physicians and candidates for postgraduate examinations. Please ensure your article includes an abstract of about 150 words. Please use subheadings, illustrations and a text box of 4-6 important summary points.
  • Editorials: Most of the editorials in ZJHS are solicited by the members of the editorial board. However, we will be happy to consider unsolicited editorials. Unsolicited editorials will also go through peer review. Editorials should be up to 800 -1200 words long with no more than 15 references.
  • Case Reports and Series: These papers describe, in 1000-2000 words, a single interesting case or a small series of cases, which are interesting and provides a learning experience. It will be preferable if illustrations or images can be provided. Consent for publication must be obtained from the patient/client, if by any images or details in the report; it will be possible to identify the patient.
  • Education and Training articles: This section will include articles related to training and education in Zimbabwe which may include clinical essays with articles related to AHPCZ exams and training, issues and controversies related to education and training in Zimbabwe. We may also include articles from outside Zimbabwe if they are of educational value.  Such articles should not be more than 2000 words with maximum 15 references.
  • Medicine in Pictures: Clinical pictures of an educational value (e.g., a skin rash, radiographs, sonograms, CT scan, MRI and ECGs, etc..) will be considered if they are accompanied by a brief text which includes the following: 1) title, 2) introduction paragraph presenting the clinical scenario, 3) a question with one correct and three incorrect answers, 4) list of differential diagnosis 5) discussion of correct answer and 6) brief explanation of incorrect answers. Authors must obtain signed informed consent from the patient.
  • Clinical Practice: articles focus on the assessment and management of the common clinical conditions encountered in the primary care. They should be less than 3000 words.
  • Humanities and Medicine: The Humanities section will publish book reviews, art, poetry, photography, philosophy and history of medicine. Poems related to the medical experience, whether from the point of view of a health care worker or patient, or simply an observer, will be considered. Poems should be original, not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Authors may submit multiple poems to ZJHS simultaneously. Patient confidentiality must be respected; patient consent obtained from all patients who could identify themselves should they read your article. In general, prose manuscripts should be limited to 800 words and poems to no more than 80 lines. Photography submissions are welcome, as are brief, illustrated items on unexplored corners of medical history.


Manuscripts can be submitted in MS Word via the following e-mail addresses:

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2791-0148