Rainfall-runoff models can be used for forecasting flow from catchments. Flow forecasting from a catchment has great use for proper water resources development and operational management. Countless models have been produced m different parts of the world to simulate this transformation of rainfall over the catchment into outflow from the catchment. However, there is no unique model which can universally be accepted and used for all catchments. Moreover, there is no catchment which can also be fitud to all models. Therefore, it is necessary to find a model or models for a catchment which can most simulate the rainfall - runoff transformation. Simple Linear Model (SLM) and Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing {SMAR) Model have been applied to Kelantan Catchment data. The model efficiency criterion (R2) and the index of volumetric fittings (/VF) have been used as criteria for evaluation of the perfonnance of the models. For this catchment, it has been found that the revised SMAR model has better perfonnance lhan the SVvf in temis of efficiencies, both in the calibration and verification periods.