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Reduction of sulphate content from coated alumina SO2+4Al2O3 /AL (oxide layer) by the hydrogen spillover

B Woldeyes


Coated metal catalysts find wide indwtrial applications. The problem of these catalysts are low adhesion  strength of the coat on the support, non uniform thickness of the coat and the irregular pore system. Much effort has been devoted in recent years by manufacturing new coated catalysts in order to improve" the adverse effect. Among this was manufacturing of porous coated catalyst through anodic oxidation. The only  problem of such catalysts was the high content of anion from the electrolyte which is incorporated into the  oxide layer during the anodic oxidation. The aim of this study was to reduce the anion (sulphate) content from  such· oxide layer wing spillover phenomena. Three catalysts were used for this purpose as a spillover hydrogen generator. From the three used catalysts PdlAIPJ is the only catalyst that can reduce anion from this oxide layer:. The result showed the possibility of hydrogen spillover to reduce the anion content from coated catalyst. An introduction to spillover phenomena is also given first to enhance the capacity of the reader.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 0514-6216