The design criteria of a soil-cement mixture requires attainment of a mmimum unconfined compressive strength va11 e of 1.4 MPa. In this 1tudy a silty soil of known physical properties is mixed with different percentages of portland cement and the engineering properties of the mixture are closely inveltigated in the laboratory. Block specimens are prepared, cured for variow days and tested to failure to detennine the unconfined compressive strength, split ten1ile lfrength, water absorption capacity. A few block 1pecimem were also 1ubjected to a repeated cycles of wetting and drying in order to simulate the seasonal variation of moisture and temperature in the field. With the increase in cement content, the compressive and split tensile strengths are observed to increase. Rnally, the economically feasible optimum cement content for use in soil-cement block is recommended in accordance with the design criteria stated above.