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The response of microalgal biomass and community composition to environmental factors in the Sundays Estuary
sessions. These included blooms of green algae (August 2006), flagellates (March 2007), dinoflagellates (June 2008) and diatom species (February and August 2008). The estuary was then sampled over 5 consecutive weeks from March to April 2009 to identify environmental factors that support different microalgal bloom species. Phytoplankton blooms were
found during Weeks 1, 4 and 5 from the middle to the upper reaches of the estuary. It was shown that diatoms occurred in blooms during warm, calm conditions whereas wind-mixing and reduced temperature, as a result of a cold front during 17 to 19 March 2009, promoted the dominance of flagellates throughout the estuary although they were present at all times.
Dominant diatom species (Cylindrotheca closterium, Cyclotella atomus and Cyclostephanus dubius) indicated brackish, nutrient-rich water. Nanoplankton (2.7 - 20 ƒÊm) was dominant during each week sampled and contributed 55 - 79% to the phytoplankton biomass. Maximum benthic chlorophyll a was found 12.5 km from the mouth. This study is the first to show successive chlorophyll a blooms consisting of different phytoplankton groups in an estuary, an indication of the eutrophic
state of the system.