P Polasek
Water and Wastewater Treatment Specialist Consultant, PO Box 61965, Marshalltown 2107, South Africa
S Mutl
Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pod Patankou 5, 166 12 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Basic types of pollutants in surface waters and methods for their removal are reviewed. Guidelines are provided for selecting the most effective hydrolysing destabilisation reagent (coagulant) for a particular quality surface water, which is polluted with different types of impurities, and optimising the reaction conditions under which its purification takes place.
Key words: mineral impurities, natural organic matter (NOM), natural biological materials (NBM), aggregation stability, aggregation destabilisation, optimum dosage, optimised reaction conditions, optimised dosage and optimised reaction pH
Water SA Vol.31(1) 2005: 62-72