The increasing demand for the chemical monitoring of water qualities emphasises the importance of an efficient and workable laboratory management system to remain profitable and competitive in a fast growing industry. The management of information is therefore becoming increasingly important as the effectiveness and profitability of the water laboratory is largely measured against its management systems and continual improvement programmes. Effective information management forms an important part of laboratory management to ensure that data are updated and remain current. One way of proving its effectiveness, the laboratory must provide proof of a controlled and procedurised documentation system and the availability of updated data and information. The effective control of data and information in the water laboratory by using some kind of information management system is therefore essential. Laboratory managers are becoming aware of the need for an effective, computerised laboratory data and information management system as the entry of data and results into a manual system has several disadvantages. The laboratory manager is increasingly seeking for ways to improve the efficiency of his laboratory and more time must therefore be spent on managing the laboratory, rather than to facilitate the distribution and control of information.
Water SA Vol.29(1) 2003: 39-42