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Eddy formation around South West Mascarene Plateau (Indian Ocean) as evidenced by satellite ‘global ocean colour’ data
Abstract—The identification of an eddy formation, south-west of the Mascarene Plateau, is demonstrated in global ocean colour data derived from the Aqua-MODIS satellite. In spite of a weak signature, construction of a monthly average plot using scaling techniques for the year 2004 allows the observation of an eddy structure for the month of June from the Aqua-MODIS data. The presence of an eddy is further substantiated by the application of altimetric data. The geostrophic velocities derived from altimeter data revealed that the current was moving in a clockwise direction that propagated in an east-west trend with higher geostrophic velocities (30-40 cm/s) in the southern limb. This eddy can be characterised as a meso-scale and intermittent oceanic feature with a size of around 225km diameter that traveled to a distance of 100-150 km in a fortnight, after which it started to decay.
Keywords: Indian Ocean, Mascarene Plateau, Ocean color, Altimeter, Sea
Surface Temperature