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Rapid Assessment of Sea Turtle and Marine Mammal Bycatch in the Union of the Comoros
Grande Comore (25/44 landing sites) and Mohéli (5/13 landing sites). Sea turtles (mainly Chelonia mydas) were reportedly captured in large numbers, although it was not always clear if captures were accidental or deliberate. Lower rates of turtle capture were reported from Mohéli, possibly as a result of awareness-raising activities associated with Mohéli Marine Park. Gillnets presented the most serious bycatch-related threat to dugongs (Dugong dugons) and current mitigation efforts such as closed areas to limit gillnet use are essential for the continued presence of this species in the Comoros. Cetaceans were rarely captured and mortality was reportedly low; with spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) the most common of several species recorded as bycatch.