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Macrofauna Settlement on Pearl Oyster Collectors in Kenya: Seasonality and Abundance
production of cultured pearls. This paper reports the seasonal abundance of macrofauna, which
settled on spat collectors set to collect Pinctada margaritifera and Pteria penguin seed in shallow
inshore areas at Kisite and Mombasa, Kenya. In both, settlement of macrofauna and bivalves
was higher during the northeast monsoon season than the southeast monsoon season. Ascidiians
and Sabellidae were significantly more abundant on collectors during the southeast monsoon
season. A few bivalve species of commercial value including: P. penguin, Perna viridis and
Anadara antiquata also settled on collectors during the southeast monsoon. Multivariate analysis
showed the periods April-June and June-October presented significantly different macrofaunal
assemblages in the open lagoon environment at Mombasa, whereas a significant difference
occurred between assemblages settled during June-October and October-January in the channel
environment in Tudor. Seven P. penguin specimens were obtained from 41 spat collectors in
Kisite, whereas one P. margaritifera and three P. penguin specimens were obtained from 40 spat
collectors deployed in Tudor Channel during the southeast monsoon period. From the results,
settlement of P. margaritifera appears to be episodic and needs long term monitoring to determine
the environmental and oceanographic conditions that are associated with its recruitment, whereas
P. Penguin settlement occurred mainly during the southeast monsoon season.