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The influence of transportation limitations on spatial development (A case study of Fezzan Region)

Mohamed Wali Abdulgader Al-Shareif


Transportation plays a fundamental and important role in the progress and development of nations, and it contributes significantly to all other human activities, influencing them and being influenced by them. The existence of an integrated transport and mobility system encourages investors to invest in areas that were previously inaccessible, giving them the opportunity to invest resources in those areas directly or through accompanying investment activities that benefit them and provide employment opportunities for individuals and groups, thus achieving comprehensive local development: economic, social and environmental. This paper examines and analyzes the transportation system in the region of Fezzan in order to identify the main factors that hinder the spread and growth of the network in the region, and thus its impact on spatial development. This system suffers from many shortcomings, both technical and operational, and in its current state it cannot meet the requirements of the region for development and progress. The remoteness of some parts of Fezzan, as well as the difficulty of the desert environment that characterizes the region, require serious consideration of alternative methods and support. Therefore, the paper reviews a set of principles that, if implemented, will contribute to achieving sustainability in all its aspects. It would be beneficial to achieve this within a framework of balanced regional and urban development for Fezzan with its cities and villages.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3006-0877